Friday, March 27, 2009

Kids say the funniest things

Ryan was getting Sydney some breakfast this morning and she was sitting at the table and this is the convesation that they had:

Ryan: "How did you sleep?"
Sydney: "Good I guess."

A few seconds later she said "Dad, guess what? We forgot to wash my armpits last night in the tub!"

We both just busted up laughing but Sydney couldn't figure out what was so funny. She was dead serious!

One more thig- We went shopping with my mom the other day and we told Sydney that we needed to get a baby gift and she said-
"I think they have things for babies at Toys R Us. That would be a fun place to go."

She sure is a clever girl :)


Mom Moose said...

Too cute!! She's growing up so fast...enjoy!!!

Moosman Fam said...

Too funny! Yes, she is a very clever girl.... with clean armpits... most of the time!

Karen said...

Really, where do they come up with these funny things? I love it.

Tiff Rudd said...

SO FUNNY!! Doesn't it just make life so much more fun! What would we do without out daily entertainment!? She is such a cute little smartie!