Saturday, February 20, 2010


This is what has filled our home for the last week! A quick funny story-- Sydney LOVES to watch the ice skaters and dances right along with them. We were in the car the other day and she said "Mom, I think I want to go to the Olympics!" I very excitedly said- "oh yeah, and what would you like to do?" And she quickly replied " I want to be a cheerleader" I said "Syd, they don't have cheerleaders at the Olympics." She thought for a minute and said "Ok Then I want to be an ice skater." She asks every night if they are going to be on so she can dance! We have really enjoyed watching all the Olympics has to offer! Hope you have enjoyed it to :)


Brian&Em said...

What an ambitious little girl! Maybe she can introduce cheerleading to the olympics. I'd watch her. If not, I'll be looking for her in 2018 on the ice!

Mom Moose said...

So cute!!! One of my favorite sports!

Rudd Senior's said...

Go for the GOLD Sydney!!!! I have really enjoyed the Olympics too!!!!!