I love my little man so much-espically when he sleeps for a good 10 hours at night :)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
A little update on us
We have had a fun couple of weeks- We joined Ryan at work for a dinosaur exhibit-
Sydney loves being a big sister and is constantly asking to hold her baby brother-
We spent some time at Kangaroo Zoo with Annie and the girls had a great time playing together and are looking forward to more fun outings together!-
Connor is getting bigger by the day! People ask me all the time if he is like six months old and I have to say-well almost four. He is such a big boy but we love all his rolls and everything about him to death :)
And last but not least- Ryan got a new job! He is the branch manager of Zions Bank in north Ogden. This picture is all the people that work for him in his branch. He is really enjoying it and all the new responsibility! I am so proud of him and couldn't be more grateful that he has such a good job and is willing to work so hard for our little family!
Posted by
7:49 AM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Valentines Tag
OK So I know Valentines is over but I thought this was really cute- A few random facts about us :)
Valentine Tag
1. How long have you been together? Almost 5 1/2 years
2. How long did you know each other before you started dating? We met and a couple days later we hung out and have been inseparable since then.
3. Who asked who out? I don't really remember because we just watched a movie at our friends house.
4. How old are each of you? I am 23 and Ryan is 28.
5. Whose siblings do you see the most? Ryan's right now because mine lives in Memphis (We miss them lots)
6. Do you have children together? Two kids- Sydney is almost 3 and Connor is almost 4 months. What about pets? Someday when I convince Ryan it’s OK, we’ll probably have to get a dog that is already trained, and only dogs.
8. Did you go to the same school? Yes
9. Are you from the same town? No-He is from Bountiful and I grew up in North Salt Lake
10. Who is the smartest? I like to think that I am a smart person but I would have to say Ryan knows more about more things (If that makes sense :)
11. Who is the most sensitive? Probably Me
12. Where do you eat out most as a couple? I really couldn't pick just one
13. Where is the farthest place you have traveled as a couple? Scotland
14. Who has the craziest exes? We both have our fair share
15. Who has the worst temper? We both have our moments-especially with a three year old in the house
16. Who does most of the cooking? I do- Ryan is a picky eater so we have the same thing a lot but he is happy so that is all that matters
17. Who is more social? I am for sure
18. Who is the neat freak? I am more then him
19. Who is more stubborn? He is
20. Who hogs the bed? neither of us do our bed is big enough
21. Who wakes up earlier? Ryan does to get ready for work
22. Where was your first date? I guess it was watching a movie at Britt's house if you can call it a date
23. Who has the bigger family? As far as immediate family- weave the same amount of siblings but Ryan's sister has more kids so I guess his
24. Do you get flowers often? Every once in awhile
25. How do you spend the holidays? We mostly play it by ear and try to see as many people as possible and do everything we can
26. Who is more jealous? We aren’t jealous people.
27. Who does the laundry? I do
28. Who is better with the computer? Ryan
29. Who drives when you are together? Ryan
30. Is your family still growing? Yep
Posted by
9:51 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Reality Check
I had a bit of a reality check today- I registered Sydney for preschool. I can't even believe that she is old enough for that and we are at this stage already! I love her to death but she is growing to fast!
Posted by
6:17 PM