Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Crazy Days!!

We have had a few pretty crazy weeks lately. We have FINALLY moved into our new house and are loving it so much. I never thought I would enjoy cleaning and taking care of something of my own so much but we love it. We still have a garage full of stuff that needs to be put away but we are slowly getting there! I am a little disapointed because we can't get the internet where we live so the only time I can get in is when I am at my parents house. Hopefully something will open up soo for us to get on! Anyway then we had Halloween! It was very fun this year and I think Sydney had a good time. She was a pumpkin and the cutest one I have ever seen! I will post some pictures soon! Ryan is just continuing with work and will hopefully be having some changes soon so we will see what happens! Anyway so my life has been a little crazy lately but I will try to be better about posting for my little family!


a-hyde said...

hey holly, your little family is darling! how fun that you are in a house now! I hope life is great, syd is a doll.

Tiff Rudd said...

Glad you guys are enjoying the new house! You really need to get internet - It is so sad not to hear from you on your blog, and on the family website! Can't wait to see pictures of the house and of Sydney on Halloween! Tiff

Anonymous said...

Sounds busy. We are looking forward to some great pictures. Why can't you get internet?